As you can see, Ethan is right at home in the sand.

Matthew and his mother building a sand castle. Growing up, Matthew and his family always spent time at the beach house, so they love being at the beach. I promised him that I wouldn't show his skin, so that's why he's almost cut out of the picture.

It was an absolutely beautiful day to be at the beach. Ethan's favorite thing to do with Grandma is search for seashells on the beach, so we went on a long walk in search of seashells. There weren't too many, but the kids still enjoyed the search! After spending time in the water and on the sand, we walked the pier to eat dinner at Ruby's.The kids loved the Pier, but I was worried the entire time that they would fall off. They kept running around like crazy kids and the gate's slits are far enough apart so they could fall right through. I know, just a little protective! The kids loved watching people fish off the pier and they got to see some sand sharks (I think that's what they were called. They looked a little like sting rays). It's all they could talk about on the way back.
After our long walk on the pier, we decided to do a little shopping. We had to go to the famous "Jack's Surf Shop" so that Matthew could get a new t-shirt. His old t-shirt was looking a little old and it was time for an update. The kids were pretty tired, so we headed back to the car and drove to Grandma's house. It was yet another really late night by the time we got the kids in bed.
I live right over there, where did Matthew grow up? Well we do not live right over there but I suppose that is the closest beach for us! Love that you guys had a good time here! Cute pics all of um!
looka like you had an awesome vacation! i am jealous you went to huntington beach. we usually go there every summer, this year because of our friends reunion we couldn't make it with all the other nygren's to cali. while all the nygren's were there, mark nygren, the byu-i professor broke his neck body surfing! after several surgeries it looks like he is going to fine other than some nerve damage to his right hand. he may never be able to write or play tennis again. crazy huh? i thought you might be interested since you kind of have a connection to him.
Were you not exhausted by the end of this vacation. I can't believe how much you guys did. It looks like a ton of fun. And I feel guilty for living in cali and having only taken Makenna to the beach a few times. Naughty Mommy.
I can't believe how tall Ethan is!
It looks like you guys had a ton of fun on your trip : )
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