(Tues. Aug 5, 2008)

We went to the San Diego Wild Animal Park with Nana, Grandpa, Anne & Cousin
Desea. It was a HOT day, but we all had a great time!

Picture riding the rhino!
Kalin and Ethan in a nest.

Kids feeding the geese. Lexi had to get in on the action.

Matthew posing with his new set of ears.

This is what he was trying to look like!

What happened to the kids? Where did they grow those things?

Desea! Isn't she so cute!

Feeding the
Lorkeets. Can you see the death grip that Ethan has on that cup. I told them not to get startled and drop the cup, so he's holding on really tight!

Lexi got a turn too.

Ethan being brave with the bird on his arm.
Kalin didn't want to stop feeding the birds until she could hold one on her arm too!

This is us on the tram that goes around the park to see all the animals. A much needed break from walking in the sun.

Lexi is really excited to be on the tram.

Did you know that these Northern While Rhinos may now be extinct in the wild as a recent survey failed to locate the only known surviving population of four? Only 8 captive specimens are left in the world: at the San Diego wild Animal Park and in the Czech Republic. The Wild Animal Park has three Northern White Rhinos, all of which were wild-caught. They are females named Nola and Nadi. Their male is named Angalifu. Nola is not fertile, and Nadi is not behaviorally receptive, so this captive population is not breeding. Angalifu is the last known male Northern White Rhino left. (Google is pretty smart!) The tour guide was really knowledgeable about everything in the park too. It was quite the educational ride.

We got to see the giraffes pretty close up.
Did you know that the main purposes of this zoo were for species conservation, breeding of animals for the San Diego Zoo as well as other zoos and providing areas where zoo animals could be conditioned?

Petting zoo.
Kalin wanted to take Bambi home.

Hot and tired grandparents. I don't blame them. I was on my diet and I kinda forgot to eat lunch, so with the heat and not eating I almost fainted at one point in the day. After I got some food and drink in me I was able to go on until dinner. Dieting is not the best idea if you're going to be walking around in the blistering heat :) We're not used to this weather anymore because of where we now live!

Lexi is exhausted! This is at the restaurant "Red Robin". She fell asleep in the car from the Wild Animal Park to the restaurant, so we let her sleep through dinner. We were all so tired and hungry!
Your vacation looks like so much fun! My kids would have loved the wild animal park. You're posting Disney pictures next right? I have to live vicariously through your vacation, can't wait to see what else we, oh I mean you did! : )
Looks like a day full of fun times! I have not been to the Wild Animal Park in FOREVER!!! Looks fun! Glad you did not faint by the way!
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