Tuesday, April 15, 2008

SPT - What Was I Thinking?

For Tuesday, April 15th, the challenge is to provide a photo for the following caption:
"what was i thinking?!?"

The first one is what was I thinking when I assumed it would stop snowing in Rexburg because the snow had mostly melted and supposedly Spring had started. You can't see it very well, but it is snowing in this picture and it did snow today. I got all excited when I saw the sun this past weekend, but alas, it was not to be! When will spring really be here?
The second one is what was I thinking when I cut bangs again. I cut my hair short and cut bangs last summer. As you can see my hair is already mostly grown out and so had my bangs. About a month ago, I got sick of my bangs because they were really long, so I chopped them myself. The first thing that came to mind when I was done was "What was I thinking?" I am no beautician and I can barely even hold the scissors. Anyway, I did a hack job on my bangs and regret it ever since. At least they are growing out again, but they are still too short to tuck behind my ears so I have this hair hanging in my face constantly. Oh well, we live and learn right?!


Unknown said...

i've done that!! yours look great, though!

Courtney said...

snow in april is wrong...just wrong. i hate when spring teases and winter says, "i'm not finished yet!" But, I have to say, your pic is beautiful. Your hair certainly doesn't look bad...just annoying for you that you have it hanging in your face. I love your cute blog and Kalin's dress in Sunday Fun is darling!!! I'd love to get to know you better through the blogosphere...but I'm private, so send me an email and I'll invite you on mine! courtneymilius@hotmail.com

Anonymous said...

Ok, my hair mess ups never look as good as yours! Cute post.

Anonymous said...

I have cut bangs into my hair. You just get to a state that you just have to do somthing. I always regret it, but mine never look as good as your do. Mine are odviously uneven. April snow showers bring May what?!? That is just wrong.

Bren's Life said...

Boy does Rexburg bring back old memories.. And reading your blog makes me appreciate being an AZ girl..
That's just wrong to be snowing. When I look at your picture, you should be in Hawaii or somewhere tropical with your flower, not Rexburg!
I love your long dark hair, it is so Beautiful. I have always wanted dark hair. I always cut my bangs too. I've never had them long, because I can't handle it..

me said...

Snow in Rexburg in April. That brings back fond memories!

Jeanette said...

I went to school in Rexburg and it was way too cold for me. Your hair looks great. Of course you could probably get away with any style. Your gorgeous.

Linda said...

Oh yes we've all cut our own bangs only to regret it seconds later! I think I've cut them just right but they always end up being too short.

You poor thing still with the snow and all. I'd be so DONE with it by now...and I'm sure you are!

Lacey said...

I am totaly with you on the thinking it was spring and should have known better. It's always such a bummer when you get your hopes up and then it goes and snows AGAIN!
Your hair was never very bad, and you can hardly tell any more, it looks great!

Kipn n' Sarah said...

Ok so I really love this post too. I did the same thing and am totally regretting it so much! I always remember after I chop my hair that I like it better long. I spent forever growing my hair out and then got a totally wild hair up my butt and chopped it! I did bangs too, what was I thinking??? I can't wait till they grow back!

Sarah said...

I always cut my own bangs and at least half the time I do a terrible job. It just gets to a point where I can't stand it anymore and I chop them off. Big Mistake.

Rachael said...

I have been tempted to cut bangs but I think I would say the same thing right after!

Unknown said...

You still look fabulous which is sickening - I did bangs last August and I'm still paying for them. :-)


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