Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Pumpkin Carving Time

This year we decided to carve one pumpkin as a family.
We decided on the pattern together and then Matthew traced it onto the pumpkin.

Matthew cut the top off.

And the kids were more than excited to pull all the pulp (or guts as they call them) out.

It's their favorite part & I'm more then happy to let them get all goobery.

They toasted some pumpkin seeds with cinnamon sugar & some with salt.
They loved the cinnamon sugar.  Surprise, surprise.

I got to carve the pumpkin while the kids helped Matthew toast pumpkin seeds.
I always love carving the pumpkin and it was nice to have little helpers too!

Kalin coloring her own pumpkin design.

The finished product.
It pretty much goes with our witch's lair decorations theme this year.

*pics taken 10/24/11

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