Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Ethan in the Lewis & Clark Play

This year Ethan got to perform with the 4th graders in his school's Lewis & Clark play.

He played the character of Robert Livingston.
These were his lines...

"Gee, America is sure depending on us."

"We'll take it." (referring to the Louisiana territory)

They performed the play 3 different times, so the school and parents could all see.

We were fortunate to have Grandpa & Grandma Alba visiting & they got to see the play too.

It was so fun to see & we're so glad Ethan got to participate.

He did a fabulous job!!

*pics taken 5/18/11


Anonymous said...

Wow, he's so brave and adorable!
Yes, he did a fabulous job! Yeah!

The Perry family said...

What a handsome Robert Livingston! Good job Ethan!

Delaney said...

Very brave! I know I used to get stage fright when I was younger! Thanks for stopping by my blog.


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