Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Ward Activity

This was dinner! Holy Pig, there was a lot of food!

As you can see Matthew was very serious about this race and he has his game face on!

You probably can't see without clicking on the pictures, but Kalin insisted on wearing her glasses frames. There are no lenses in them, but she wore them all night! Funny girl!

Wait for me everyone!

I had to stop helping Lexi jump so I could get a few pictures. It sure wore me out just helping her get to the end and back.

The kids just loved the panning for gold and we have evidence of it all over the van :)

We had to improvise with rocks when the bean bags were forgotten for the bean bag toss.

Crazy three-legged race. Kalin couldn't get enough of this race and had to keep torturing this little boy.

Can't go home without swinging!
We all had a blast!
*pics taken 07/24/09


The Perry family said...

Looks like a great ward activity! funny kids!

Mashaide said...

WOW! Looks like tons of fun and you can see it in everyone's face. FUN!

The Kemps said...

Now that's my kind of ward activity!


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