Thursday, April 02, 2009

Reading Month

This year our PTO sponsored a reading month. It was a lot of fun for the kids. We had different people dress up as characters and read to the kids during the month. We had prizes for reading minutes turned in. We passed out treats. I say "we" as in the PTO, but all that I did was cut out 200 die cuts for our fairy tale week where every kid got giant pixie stick wands. Anyway, we ended reading month with a parade. Each class read a book and decorated their own mini float. They also dressed up as characters from their book and paraded around the school. Ethan and Kalin were so excited and couldn't wait!

This was Ethan's class float. They read the book Sideways Stories from Wayside School.

This was the character that Ethan dressed up as.

Can you see Ethan?

This was Kalin's class. They read the book The Little Engine That Could.
She was dressed up as a stuffed animal and she got to lead her class in the parade.

1 comment:

Corrine said...

that looks like way fun!! Elementary was the good ol' days... then nasty Jr high and high school! ;)


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