(Sun. Aug 10, 2008)
We always love Sunday because we get the opportunity to go to church to learn more about our Savior and to feel the spirit. What I love about the church is that it's the same institution no matter where we go. We went with my brother to his ward and the bishopric read a letter from the first presidency titled “Preserving Traditional Marriage and Strengthening Families". The saints in California were going to make phone calls and go door-to-door to educate people on the proposition. I think it's really cool that people were ready and willing to go out and do what they could to protect the institution of marriage. I was ready to go and knock doors too! I know there are a lot of people who will be confused just by the wording. Anyway, here is a link to the coalition to protect the institution of marriage and here is the link to the proclamation that we love so much!
This was the day that Matthew cooked up a storm! Okay I helped a little. He made his famous homemade "sauce" (that's spaghetti sauce for you non-Italians) & meatballs. I helped with the chicken cutlets and the garlic bread. I've learned some mean cookin skills from my hubby! He's a master chef! It was all good. We had some of Erika's siblings over, Jai & Janel and their fam, Grandpa Olayan, and of course Mom, Mike, Lex & Erika's fam. It's always so great to get together to eat and play games! We had to play the "famous people" game. Sorry the rest of you missed it. I know how much you love the "posing" round of that game :)
yes i wish i could have some! i still feel slightly jipped by matthew, i made him the famous nygren tacos but have never had any of his italian food! man that is just wrong!
Yummy, my hubby cooks really good too. He makes me look bad half the time caz I am not too amazing at it. Glad you had a good time.
O and your hubby is my brother in law Rick Robinson's favorite teacher up there at BYU IDAHO!!! He said he tried to get Matthew this semester and his class was full but he thinks Matthew is one of the funniest people he knows. What a small world!
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