So, I had one of the most amazing times this weekend in Utah. This is a picture of some of the incredible ladies that I work with in lia sophia. We all went down to Utah for a Region Rally and we had a blast. Thanks for going down with me, you guys are awesome! I love going to these lia sophia rallies because each time I do, I realize how much I love my job! I get to work with some amazing women, I get to party, I get to play dress up, I get to meet new people, I get paid for it and I still get to stay at home with my little ones! What could be better?

I really enjoyed his motivational talk and it applies to all areas of our lives, not just lia sophia. I wholeheartedly agree with that philosophy, because life is always about choices and it's our choice how we want our lives to be. We can choose what we do and we can choose how we react to what happens in our lives. God gave us just that--the freedom to choose!

Now, I want to recognize that none of of this would be possible without the support of my husband and kids. I have the MOST amazing husband in the world and he is so supportive of me and the things that I want to do. I know my husband was sceptical in the beginning, just as we all were, but he always has had faith in me and my abilities to do anything. I think it's cute because my kids are excited when the mailman comes because they want to know if they get to open little boxes of jewelry with me. Kalin especially, because she gets to try it all on--such a girl! I love my husband and my kids so much, THEY truly are the meaning of life!
Awesome, Awesome, Awesome. You're amazing Dacia. I feel proud to be your friend.
It was so much fun! I was so proud to have you walk up on that stage! That's going to be me next year, mark my words!
Wow, that's wonderful that you are doing so well. Congrats!
Way to go!!
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