Sunday, June 15, 2008

My Dad

This is a picture of me and my dad. I am so grateful for my Dad for so many reasons. He lost his own dad when he was 14 or so and he was raised by his older sister and had to help with his younger siblings. He came from a pretty hard life and he did the best he knew how with us 9 kids. I know he has a strong testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and he always shared it with us. He taught us siblings to love each other and to stick up for each other. He has been the best example to me of having a strong work ethic. I learned how to clean, and clean right, from my dad. I learned that I had to work first then play. One of his favorite sayings was "work hard, play hard, eat hard". I can say that we always did! We love to work, eat and play :) My dad taught me to trust in the Lord and to pray diligently and to have faith that things would work out. We didn't have much growing up, but my Dad taught us to be grateful for what we did have and to share what we could with others. He always had an open door policy and was willing to shelter, feed or help anyone else that he could. I have some really fond memories of being a little kid in Washington and going as a family on family walks to Whatcom Falls park. My dad would take us all on adventures on our own paths and it was a lot of fun (even if it was scary crawling across that train track above the water!). I love my Dad and I know that I wouldn't be who I am if it weren't for him and the things that he taught me. Happy Father's Day Dad! I love you!


Andy and Lynne said...

beautifully said! i love that picture!

Kipn n' Sarah said...

Love the picture and I love your dad, always have! He always treated me so good, and I loved it when he reffed my Basketball games in High School, well and church ball too! Coccamo Joe, how did he get that name???


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