Thursday, April 24, 2008

For Real?

There are a lot of things I'd like to type, but I'll let the video speak for itself!


janna said...

Yep! Only in Idaho!

me said...

I am so sorry Dacia.

Lacey said...

I feel your pain.

Kipn n' Sarah said...

Are you kidding me??? STILL!!!!! Im so sorry!!!

Bren's Life said...

Oh I am so sorry! I am wearing jeans for you today to pretend it's not hot enough to wear shorts!!!
It's supposed to be 103' here tomorrow.. But is about 77' right now..
Come for a visit & we can shop outside, go for a bike ride whatever!!!

Windy said...

Sorry about the snow, but here's something to take your mind off of the weather - you're getting tagged again! Go check out my blog to get your instructions.

Bren's Life said...

I left a message this morning, but it didn't work.. I am wearing jeans just for you this morning. Even though it's 86' here & plenty warm to wear shorts. I don't want to rub it in, so I will mourn with you & pretend I'm cold...

Trisha said...

Oh no! That picture says a thousand words. we’re going up there in about two weeks for my little bros graduation & eagle award I’m really hoping it wont be THAT cold and snowy!! I’ll call you when we are there, maybe we could get-together sometime.


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