Wednesday, March 26, 2008


So much for finding those shoes! I can't believe it's almost 1 week into spring and it's snowing AGAIN!!!!!!


kristib said...

Yeah, I couldn't believe it the second time it snowed here either...heehee

Hope you're stocked up on hot chocolate and marshmallows!

me said...

Yeah... that is why I am glad that we don't live in Idaho. Have fun!

Trisha said...

Oh man!! Are we really going to be moving up there? What are we thinking!!!

Trisha said...

I love all your Easter pictures you have posted. Your kids have really grown. I hardly recognize them. Jenaya saw Ethans picture on your blog and asked, who’s that? It made me sad. But I guess she was only 3 when we lived next to each other. You truly do have such a beautiful family!

Trisha said...
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janna said...

Yeah, I agree, UGH!!!!
I hate the snow!

The Perry family said...

I feel bad for ya! As if winter isn't long enough. I hope you survive.

Kipn n' Sarah said...

O my goodness, can you get a brake??? I am sorry!!! Come visit Cali, the weather is great here ;)


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