Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Art Show

Today is Mental Health Awareness day and our school district organized an art show to raise awareness. We were able to attend the art show today to see our children's art work.

For pre-kindergarten children the theme was "I feel happy when..."

This is what Lexi drew & she was beyond excited to see it displayed on the wall.

Lexi was so happy to get to participate.

For Kalin & Ethan's age group, the theme was "My feelings are a work of art".

Kalin used buttons & yarn to create a face showing happiness.

She came up with the idea to create her name in yarn. So creative!

This is definitely a work showing feelings. This face is made up of mini faces showing all types of feelings.

I drew an arrow pointing to my favorite face. All the faces are so great, but that particular one is my fav.

Ethan also decided he wanted his name written on his art, so he created it in circles to go along with his theme.

I didn't realize that they would also draw art in class for this art show, so Ethan drew two others at school.

If you didn't know already, he loves squid.

These are his two pictures of squid.

I'm so glad my children wanted to participate and that we got to brainstorm together. It makes me so happy to see their minds work and to watch them create beautiful art.

*pics taken 5/3/11


Kipn n' Sarah said...

Your children are all artists!!!

brit said...

they are all great! i love ethan's. how clever.

Mashaide said...

I love their artwork. So creative!

The Perry family said...

Those rock!!! I can't believe how your kids are growing! I love how creative they are!


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